Author-envy: We All Have It

Erik Larson
Erik Larson

I’m a huge fan of Erik Larson. Devil in White City kept me spellbound–in part because I grew up near Chicago and my great-grandfather lived less than six blocks from the serial killer in that book. Wish I could write like that.

I’m also a big fan of Nora Ephron, whose career I tracked for decades because she spoke so well for a generation of young women writers entering the workforce with new expectations of their own capabilities. How I envied her early columns for Esquire!

Nora Ephron in 1975
Nora Ephron in 1975

And so it amused me to find a recent post by Erik Larson on Goodreads where he pays tribute to Ephron, and tells his own story of author-envy. Gives me heart. And hope.


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